Please see the language of the resolution below:
SR185, As Adopted by Senate, September 26, 2018
Senator Booher offered the following resolution:
Senate Resolution No. 185.
A resolution to recognize October 24, 2018, as National Bioenergy Day.
Whereas, Biomass power is homegrown, Michigan-made domestic energy generated from
Michigan resources by Michigan workers; and
Whereas, Such power generation has provided valuable, renewable energy services to the
people of the state of Michigan for more than 30 years; and
Whereas, Biomass power generation provides the state with significant renewable energy;
Whereas, The generation of biomass power is an important employer in communities that
rely on local forest resources for economic prosperity, jobs, and quality of life; and
Whereas, Biomass power generation is a baseload generation that provides significant
support to the electrical grid and improves its reliability and resiliency; and
Whereas, The generation of biomass power diversifies the state’s energy portfolio; and
Whereas, Biomass power generation optimizes the value of Michigan’s forest resources by
recovering energy from wood fiber that would otherwise go to waste; and
Whereas, Such power provides economically sound, environmentally beneficial tools for
keeping Michigan forests healthy and protected from wildfire; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize October 24,
2018, as National Bioenergy Day along with its decades of contributions to Michigan’s economy, our
energy portfolio, forests, and the wise management of wood wastes and byproducts in our Great
Lakes State.